En Trance World Premier Presented by Malthouse Theatre August 28 – September 13

En Trance

CREATED AND PERFORMED BY YUMI UMIUMARE From her many performances of The Burlesque Hour around the globe, to Acclaimed Butoh Cabaret DasShoku Hora!!, Yumi Umiumare’s electrifying performance style is in demand the world over. In this bold work, premiered and had a sell out season at Malthouse theatre, Umiumare is set to detonate her extraordinary vision from the international to the other-worldy as she thrusts us into the twisted corridors of the un-living. At times brutally visceral, the performance is counterbalanced with the purity of digital painting produced live with her collaborating artists, Bambang Nurcahyadi and Naomi Ota.

EnTrance extends even further Umiumare’s diverse dance vocabulary, plummeting into the cracks where the spirit and the body are propelled into another existence. Umiumare takes us from unsettling moments of physical extremity to magical images of reflective serenity

「バーレスク・アワー」を始め数々の舞台作品で世界中を駆け巡り、活躍を続けているメルボルン在住のパフォーミング・アーティスト、ゆみ・うみうまれによ るソロ作品「EnTrance」。2009年8月のメルボルン初演ではチケット完売の大盛況を博す。メルボルン在住ヴィジュアル・アーティストの太田奈緒 美によるインスタレーションと、シドニー在住インドネシア人メディア・アーティストBAMBANG NURCAHYADIによるデジタル映像を背景に、うみうまれの舞踏、語り、コメディ、またその独特で不思議な踊りが織り込まれてゆく。




The Burlesque Hour LEGENDS! Presented by Finucane and Smith June 25th – August 2nd MelbourneThe Burlesque Hour LEGENDS! Presented by Finucane and Smith June 25th – August 2nd Melbourne